Australian Customers May Miss Out
Unless they're Quick Local Australian Customers May Miss Out on The Oil That Puts A Smile on your Face Demand worldwide has been increasing for two years as crops have been hit by drought in Spain, the world’s biggest producer of the oil, and the bacterial disease...
Keeping you up to date with the growth of our olives
On the 2nd of December 016 I took a photo of our olive blossom, this year was amazing it looked like snow in the grove, the next photo I took was on the 15th of December 016 and is of the very first olive buds appearing. The most recent photos are of how the olives...
Forest Edge Farm Supervisors
The Day Shift Supervisor Team Australian wood ducks, maned duck or maned goose (Chenonetta jubata) found throughout much of Australia. It is the only living species in the genus Chenonetta. They regularly visit to supervise. No rest for the wicked!
Long Tailed Local
Meet a Long Tailed Local - A Racehorse Goanna ! The Sand Goanna (Varanus gouldii ) is a species of large Australian monitor lizard, also known as Gould's monitor, the sand monitor, or racehorse goanna. A regular visitor to Forest Edge Farm.
Reach Us
PO Box 177
Mount Barker, 6324
Western Australia